Sunday, October 9, 2011


Yes, I have had one too many of them for certain, and I know this because my head feels like it weighs a TON!  I just can't get myself into gear ... I'm fatigued more than not.  I can't seem to get my engine fired up and out of the fog, either.  As a matter of fact, an accurate description would be "I feel like I'm moving through a fog in very slow motion."  Yes ... that's it.

I need HELP!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Going there ...  to the DMV ... isn't it one of the most wonderful things to do in life?  But HEY ... I was in and out in an hour and a half today. Here's how it went:

Walk in.  Go to the handicapped (now called disabled) line and wait a few minutes. A gal just a few feet away turns, looks at me, and asks, "Are you disabled?  Uh ... duh ... why would I (or someone in my family) be in this line if NOT?  "I have all the paperwork I need to be in this line to register my vehicle, and I would like a handicapped plate."  So I get a number, she invites me to seat myself near the monitors, and I do.  My number was called within 5 minutes.  I'm thinking disabled is OK. When I get to the counter and tell the woman behind that counter that I want to register my vehicle, after asking me some questions, she told me my car needs to be inspected and smogged.  She told me where and how to get that done, to return after I'd done that, but I'd have to start over at the first counter.  

So I obediently left the DMV, took my little Cooper through the DMV inspection point, and then drove down the block to the nearest Smog Service.  All check points OK!  WooHoo!

Off to the DMV I go again, and this time I was invited to sit in the "big cushy chairs" (maybe I looked frazzled) while I wait for my number to be called.  I couldn't find those chairs.  In a short time, I ended up at the counter next to the first counter encounter.  HA HA!  While working on the registration, taxes, etc, I remembered my license is due next month, and of course I asked about that.  Well I'll be ... I can get it all done toDAY with ONE check. I'm ecstatic, and $2200+ later I'm out of the DMV within 1.5 hours from start to finish grinning from ear-to-ear.

Is that a record or WHAT?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

7-Year Projects

They are FINE-ally DONE!
The garage is CLEANed out!
The paperwork is SORTed!
The clutter and chaos is GONE!
I am SO excited!

Now I can start writing BOOKS!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I went to the new Paul Mitchell Salon yesterday and loved it so much that today I decided I want to work there. HA! So I decided to investigate The Reno Academy Paul Mitchell School, but alas, I could not find it on Holcomb Ave. So off to the Marinello School of Beauty I went. I decided to wait for the Admissions Advisor so that I might obtain information about the school. Towards the end of our time together, she told me that in order to officially apply, I would be required to submit a high school transcript. I laughed as I said, "I don't think I can produce that for you. High schools didn't give transcripts when I graduated. Would any one of my 4 college degrees suffice?" She didn't know how to respond, so she excused herself for a moment. Upon returning, she said, "We will need the high school transcript."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Checking The Dating Site Ads

Today's ad for seniorpeoplemeet says I can find a husband today. Do I really WANT a husband today? WHY would I want to do that? SHOULD I try to find a husband today? Isn't the idea of "I gotta have a husband" a bit over-rated anyway? I mean ... if you are fortunate to have a good one, you are most blessed. If not, I think I'm better off without one!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey be plump
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs !

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone !!

(Thanks Barb!)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A New Fragrance

Pink Sugar

The packaging reminds me of this site, and I think the fragrance on me resembles that of a DIVA for certain! I think it's a must-have!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


DIVA: One who behaves as a goddess or queen; a usually glamorous and successful female (performer or) personality; a person (most likely a female) who defines their own journey and destiny, and is not ashamed to be themselves at all times; and finally MY definition: One who NEVER settles for less than she deserves!

It's NOT a bad thing to be a diva!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

An Intro

While I LUV the design of this page, this particular blog is meant to introduce myself to you! Sometimes I find my mind racing with so many ideas about what to write about that I get too exhausted to follow through! I'm going to work on that, though. My new plan is to assign myself one site per day and just go with whatever comes to me at that time. I also think I will focus on the sites I have received feedback on and set the others aside for a while longer. Bear with me as I challenge myself to balance life events with my passion to write.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Some of you may notice that I have been doing a bit “too much” Facebook-ing lately! It’s a great way of connecting with immediate feedback from friends and family, but I’m not reaching the masses as is my goal. So if you haven’t already signed in on my blogs for update notices, please do because The Greek Diva is back and I have SO much to share with my readers!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Introducing Yiota, The Greek Diva!

My life's work is in the field of mental health and education. A long time ago someone once told me that the secret to happiness is finding something I LUV to do, and then figuring out a way to earn a living doing it. Those who know me well are aware that I LUV to listen and talk (make kouvenda as my Mother would say), and drink coffee. How perfect that I have been able to do exactly that and earn a few dollars doing so.

In my work, I find that so many people do not know how to sit back, relax, and simply be still to hear the small quiet voice within the self that usually knows us better than we know ourselves. Furthermore, many people who struggle with depression and anxiety tell me they do not know what to do with themselves in their free time; thus, they are constantly on the go. Whew! How exhausting would that be? Hence, I encourage people to find a hobby. Find something to do that brings you pleasure, find a way to work it into your life, and do more of it!

As I walk this life, my hobbies change, as do I in some respects. The Apostle Paul wrote “When I was a child, I used to speak as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.” (I Cor 13:10) I, for example, do not play with Barbie and Ken or participate in cheerleading anymore. Nor do I hang out in bars and nightclubs until the wee hours of the morning, spend all day on a beach soaking up rays with baby oil all over my body (good thing, huh?), or shop to keep America working as I once did when money was readily available. (And "no” friends, I don’t think that’s what has created this current economic crisis!) Nope. Now I BLOG!

I have always wanted to be a writer of something, and I intend for my BLOGS to take me somewhere, though I know not where! So please browse as you are led, share this BLOG with others, and laugh with me as I reveal my worldview and other such trivia with my readers.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to find the link to the BLOG you want to visit. Once you land on your BLOG of choice, all of my other BLOGS are accessible from that BLOG under either the side-bar or bottom-bar subtitle MY BLOG LIST. Have fun!