Thursday, August 11, 2011


Going there ...  to the DMV ... isn't it one of the most wonderful things to do in life?  But HEY ... I was in and out in an hour and a half today. Here's how it went:

Walk in.  Go to the handicapped (now called disabled) line and wait a few minutes. A gal just a few feet away turns, looks at me, and asks, "Are you disabled?  Uh ... duh ... why would I (or someone in my family) be in this line if NOT?  "I have all the paperwork I need to be in this line to register my vehicle, and I would like a handicapped plate."  So I get a number, she invites me to seat myself near the monitors, and I do.  My number was called within 5 minutes.  I'm thinking disabled is OK. When I get to the counter and tell the woman behind that counter that I want to register my vehicle, after asking me some questions, she told me my car needs to be inspected and smogged.  She told me where and how to get that done, to return after I'd done that, but I'd have to start over at the first counter.  

So I obediently left the DMV, took my little Cooper through the DMV inspection point, and then drove down the block to the nearest Smog Service.  All check points OK!  WooHoo!

Off to the DMV I go again, and this time I was invited to sit in the "big cushy chairs" (maybe I looked frazzled) while I wait for my number to be called.  I couldn't find those chairs.  In a short time, I ended up at the counter next to the first counter encounter.  HA HA!  While working on the registration, taxes, etc, I remembered my license is due next month, and of course I asked about that.  Well I'll be ... I can get it all done toDAY with ONE check. I'm ecstatic, and $2200+ later I'm out of the DMV within 1.5 hours from start to finish grinning from ear-to-ear.

Is that a record or WHAT?